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Devoted to providing Orlando with excellent divorce law representation.

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For over 20 years, we put you first to get you the results you deserve.

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    divorce lawyer near me orlando florida dewitt law firm

    Florida’s Experienced Divorce Attorneys

    The experienced Orlando divorce attorneys at our Orlando law firm realize that going through a divorce is an extremely stressful and difficult time in an individual’s life. We strive to help our clients deal with this stressful and difficult time by providing prompt and personalized legal representation uniquely tailored to help achieve our clients’ goals throughout the divorce process. We intimately know the divorce process and have guided hundreds of clients in Orlando through the process.


    A divorce is a very personal lawsuit. A court is asked to make personal and intimate decisions that impact the lives of the individuals involved and their children. If your divorce proceeds to trial, a judge will be asked to divide assets and liabilities, determine whether alimony is appropriate, dictate a parenting plan to determine how and when a child will spend time with each parent, calculate child support, dissolve the bonds of marriage, and make other personal and private decisions.


    It is important that your attorney have the skill, ability, and reputation as a litigator in the courtroom. You do not want an attorney that will just settle your case without fighting for you. Finding an attorney who is a skilled litigator, but utilizes mediation regularly will help achieve the best possible outcome in your divorce. It is important that your divorce attorney has the skills and knowledge to properly represent you should your case proceed to trial, but who also knows how to push your case towards a settlement that is in your best interest.


    While most people never thought they would be faced with a divorce, it ultimately becomes a necessary reality. We understand that divorce is not a pleasant process, we strive to guide you through as smoothly as possible. We know the importance of being forthright with expectations and sharing information that you may not like. Having an divorce attorney that is honest, realistic and experienced will save you time, frustration, and money in the long run.

    Real Client Testimonials

    Attorney Moe DeWitt recovers compensation to make car accident victim whole.

    Attorney Moe DeWitt recovers compensation to make car accident victim whole.

    Attorney Moe DeWitt helps client put his life back together after a divorce.

    Attorney Moe DeWitt helps client put his life back together after a divorce.

    Attorney Moe DeWitt recovered $200,000 for car accident victim.

    More than Attorneys, We are Counselors at Law.

    Each Orlando divorce lawyer at the Dewitt Law Firm pays particular attention to our clients’ needs and desires. Throughout the divorce process in Florida, we work with our clients to develop a strategy that maximizes the potential for achieving a favorable result. With over 35 years of experience, Sherri DeWitt has acquired the knowledge and the skills needed to provide effective and aggressive representation. Sherri and all the attorneys at the DeWitt Law firm use a variety of approaches in divorce cases, ranging from collaborative law, to mediation, and litigation when necessary.


    Divorce can often be intricate and have many complex elements such as alimony, child support, custody or time-sharing, relocation, equitable distribution, business valuations, injunctions, and even domestic violence issues. The DeWitt Law Firm has the ability and knowledge to fully handle all facets of these complex and intricate matters. Our experience handling complex matters allows us to evaluate all elements of your case and to properly and adequately represent you through all aspects of your divorce.

    Moses DeWitt Orlando Family Attorney Near Me

    Estimate Florida Alimony Payments


    Alimony in Florida is calculated based upon need and ability to pay.

    The American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers provides a guideline, which takes 30% of the payer’s gross annual income minus 20% of the payee’s gross annual income to estimate the alimony.

    Click to Estimate Spousal Support
    florida divorce timeline graphic